Exciting performance is still very carried out by singer
Miley Cyrus during a concert delivered Awards «MTV» musical, the focus of
controversy in the United States, where minivan Association called «dropping
capital». The former Star of the «Disney» Series, took very exciting scandalous
dance steps and during the performance of a song «Blurred Lines» with singer
Robin thick.
This show was not suitable for young viewers of fourteen,
according to a total of «Barents Television Counsel» struggling violent and
sexual content and in television programs, which belongs to it the father of
Cyrus, one of its Consultant members. And the group denounced as «promote
messages of a sexual nature directed at the youth», adding that the station
«MTV» still sexually exploit women and promote exciting dance steps ». And it
demanded «dropping heads in MTV».
And many mothers has expressed across the station «CNN» for
their displeasure of the presentation was led by the singer, who was took the
role of the teen Hannah Montana.
But this controversy has not had any impact on the young
singer, who was in 2011 the richest teen in Hollywood. She wrote on the
«Twitter» that «her performance reaped 306 000 twitters, » on the social
networking site. And she re-twitted commentary in the magazine «Rolling Stone»
which stated that she was «evening star». Also she published two photos in her
sexy dressed.
The station «MTV» recommended adolescents under the
fourteenth not to watch her concert which was watched by 10.1 million viewers
directly, according to the Institute «Nielsen».
On the other hand, the word «Twerking» entered, which refers
to the exciting and sexually suggestive dancing, that Miley Cyrus did it during
the concert, to the Oxford Dictionary of reference in the English language,
along with other words.
And movements that fall under this exciting dancing from
American hip-hop culture known under the name «Twerking» for nearly twenty
years. But «Twerking» won official recognition now annexed to the recent online
edition of the Dictionary heritage.
Nice article, we like.